England, UK
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50.6505, -1.3802 : 186.0 m
50.6505, -1.3796 : 186.0 m
6:58 vorm.
4:40 nachm.
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
Take off just in front of the u shaped pit (with small trees on the top. No Bottom landing but should be able to side land along the ridge at a number of points if experienced. There are two ways of accessing the site. The best track is on the main road between carisbrooke and Shorwell. If ou are heading from Carisbrooke before you get to shorwell you climb a hill (just before shorwell shute) there is a track/ road on the right hand side at the top. Take this track and drive on the track (not on grass) till you reach the take off. If gates are shut keep them shut. You can get to the site from Lynch lane in Calbourne if you head towards Brighstone. At the top of the hill before decendig into Brighstone take the track on the left hand site up to the top. You will have to walk to the take off as the gate at the end of the track is locked.
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