England, UK
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50.6662, -1.11 : 24.0 m
50.6619, -1.1329
6:57 vorm.
4:38 nachm.
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
Site closed 1 March - 14 July.(Use lower Yaverland take off and maintain 100ft above cliff).
Is on the south side of the road leading up to culver cliff. Go past the fort and take the turning to the second car park field. Top landing to the right of car park. Beach: Check the state of the tide before you fly. Land on the beach near yaverland car park or on top in the lower car park overflow field next to the sailing club compound. Follow the road to culver cliff and take off is between the culver fort and Culver haven inn. See map. Site closed from 1 March - 14 July.(Use lower Yaverland take off and maintain 100ft above cliff) Site closed from 1 March - 14 July.(Use lower Yaverland take off and maintain 100ft above cliff)
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