Wales, UK
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51.8603, -3.627 : 700.0 m
51.8788, -3.6167 : 345.0 m
7:08 vorm.
4:47 nachm.
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
Very friendly site with a wonderful TTB, excellent XC in all directions
Lots of room on top of hill Bottom landing is possible at the bottom of the bowl and below SW takoff. beware of the gully when landing by the layby M4 Jct 45 drive up swansea valley on A4067 past Dan Yr Ogof and over the pass. Descend until the cray reservoiris on the left. Park in the layby on the right next to the disused bridge. Contact committee member for key to track, or walk up. Site is closed from april 15 to May 10 each year. Contact committee member for key to track, or walk up. Site is closed from april 15 to May 10 each year.
Curl over and rotor can be encountered behind the bowl. rocks behind the SW takoff have caused injuries. Use military freephone in the week.
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