Scotland, UK
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56.5872, -4.72878 : 466.0 m
8:00 AM
4:07 PM
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
Take off is on a small ridge about 15 minutes walk from the A82 Bridge of Orchy to Glencoe road. Although low compared to all the mountains around the ridge is thermic and works well Anywhere you want Driving up from Bridge of Orchy cross White Bridge and drive up the hill above Loch Tulla. Just as you come over the top of the hill (view of Rannoch Moor) park on the left of the road in a small parking spot To get to the site cross the road and walk E following the fence line before going uphill to the top of the small ridge Scottish right of access legislation means that you have free access if you are responsible Scottish right of access legislation means that you have free access if you are responsible
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