Point Pass

South Australia 5381, Australia

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Aktuelle Bedingungen

Keine Warnungen.

Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

-34.0345, 139.022 : 567.0 m


-34.0351, 139.034 : 415.0 m


6:50 vorm.


5:32 nachm.


Zentralaustralische Normalzeit (+0930)

Soarable with moderate easterly wind, XC potential when Thermic. Easterlies are typically a stable atmosphere.

Easterly facing Site on Private Property. Contact S.A. pilots for details. Easterly facing escarpment approx 300ft AGL. Escarpment is approx 7km long and runs N/S flat paddock in front of launch or top land. There are small hills between launch and LZ that can be bumpy at times. Public road access to Launch and LZ - but the land is privately owned at launch and LZ. 8500ft max alt due military airspace. 8500ft max alt due military airspace.

Potential for Rough thermals in summer.

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NNE 0 0
NE 10 0
ENE 10 0
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NNW 0 0