Mogi das Cruzes - Pico do Urubu

State of São Paulo, Brazil

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Luiz Meissner Protokollierte einen 43 km Flug
Luiz Meissner Protokollierte einen 29 km Flug
Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht
Festival 2012 de Voo Livre - Parapente, Pico do Urubu, Mogi das Cruzes.

Festival 2012 de Voo Livre, Pico do Urubu, dia 18/08/2012, Cristãos Voadores, Piloto Clóvis Diniz da Escola e Equipe dos Cristãos Voadores, ...
Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht
Primeiro vôo de Paraglider Pico do Urubu em Mogi Das Cruzes

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Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Festival 2012 de Voo Livre - Parapente, Pico do Urubu, Mogi das Cruzes.
Festival 2012 de Voo Livre, Pico do Urubu, dia 18/08/2012, Cristãos Voadores, Piloto Clóvis Diniz da Escola e Equipe dos Cristãos Voadores, ...
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Primeiro vôo de Paraglider Pico do Urubu em Mogi Das Cruzes
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Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Parapente no Pico do Urubu
Parapente (paraglider) no Pico do Urubu, Mogi das Cruzes - SP, em 28/08/2011.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

voo de paraglider Mogi das Cruzes SP
Voo do pico do urubu em Mogi até Biritiba Mirim, dia 31/10/2015 Vela Poison 3 Skywalk Paraglides Abortei o voo para não encostar nas nuvens que estavam ...
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

-23.4854, -46.206 : 1154.0 m


-23.4736, -46.2227 : 810.0 m


6:26 vorm.


5:37 nachm.


Brasília-Normalzeit (-0300)

All year round, but best from June to December. N and S take-offs, XC possibilities heading to the seashore,uncomparable view.

Alti: 1140m. Grassy take-off, lots of room, wide parking lot. On pasture fields: N landing is a bit short, while the S landing is easy. Easy pilot retrieval. 25 miles from SP on the Dutra road. Take the Mogi-Dutra road to Mogi; take the B exit right after a bridge, on the roundabout. Then, take the road to the left of the Clube Vila Santista and go uphill on a paved road. Go past the Tenis Club and keep going to the left on the next Y-passes. The access road is a good 3-mile, two-way brick road; when in the plateau, please park to the left.


N 10 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 10 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0