Saint Hilaire du Touvet

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

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Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

45.3069, 5.88806 : 906.0 m


45.3023, 5.9057 : 232.0 m


6:23 vorm.


8:45 nachm.


Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0200)

an easy XC: after take off go to the south (your right). Follow the cliff and cross the 'Manival', a little valley. Work the first thermal and go up to the crest of 'Saint Eynard'. Follow this crest to the south until a beautifull old 'fort'. Come back with the same way. After 'Manival' valley you can go up the the 'Dent de Crolles' summit and follow the big crest to 'Le Granier' summit in the north direction. Come back at 'St hilaire' and land near your car :-))

North take off is a comfortable big carpet, but may be downwind of the thermic blowing in front. South take off is in grass and you may find more facing thermal wind here than in north take off. in Lumbin, in the village's entry when you come from Grenoble. Top landing by north winds (or breeze) near the principal road at the 'syndicat d'initiative', near the big parking. Take off is just near the funicular station in Saint Hilaire village. If you come from Grenoble, cross 'St Nazaire' and go to 'St Pancrasse'. Cross 'St Pancrasse' and turn to the right in St Hilaire village, after the fireman house. The takeoff is under a big chalet. The south takeoff : don't turn after fireman house but park your car on the parking, on your right after 100m. Walk on the track (5mn), take off is on your right. Bus from/to Grenoble (sorry only in french) : It may be a wise idea to leave the car at the landing site and go up by the funicular. Timetables and prices: You must not climb over 3000m. This flight regulation is for the Lyon Airport. You must not climb over 3000m. This flight regulation is for the Lyon Airport.

be careful with South wind. In spring, conditions can be quite hard, specialy near the cliff.

Die folgenden Personen folgen aktiv auf dieser Seite.

15 km
18 km
20 km
20 km
22 km
26 km
38 km
41 km
46 km
47 km


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E 10 0
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