Les 7 Meuses

Walloon Region, Belgium

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Aktuelle Bedingungen

Keine Warnungen.

Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?

Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht
Paragliding 7 Meuses 23-10-2011

Paragliding 7 Meuses 23-10-2011.

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Paragliding 7 Meuses 23-10-2011
Paragliding 7 Meuses 23-10-2011.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

50.3539, 4.8622 : 247.0 m


50.3465, 4.8605 : 89.0 m


7:26 vorm.


7:40 nachm.


Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0200)

Small take-off place requiring a good handling of the wing. 1) The two big fields in front of the take-off, between the camping and the speedway. Don’t fly above the camping at low altitude. Be careful, there are some high lighting posts along the road. Don’t leave the car on the parking of the bus company. 2) Between the river and the 4 lines road just under the take-off on the right hand side. Quite long but very narrow place. It is strongly recommended to have a look at that place before your first flight. The approach is quite technical and is realized above the river. The wind is frequently changing and the air is usually sinking above the river. Leave the car only on the parking on the other side of the road. If you have enough altitude, you should preferably use the first of this landing place. It is located few hundreds meters away from the road but it is definitively safer. From Namur, follow the valley of the river 'La Meuse' up to Godine. In the village follow the indication 'Panorama des 7-Meuses'. The take-off place is close to a big radio antenna. The TMA/CTR of Charleroi, Liège and Zaventem and FL limitation during the week. The TMA/CTR of Charleroi, Liège and Zaventem and FL limitation during the week.

Die folgenden Personen folgen aktiv auf dieser Seite.

5 km
29 km
33 km
41 km
45 km
46 km
48 km
50 km


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