Madaba, Jordan
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31.4756, 35.7802 : 727.0 m
31.4664, 35.7794 : 445.0 m
6:53 vorm.
5:47 nachm.
Osteuropäische Normalzeit (+0300)
Very impressive landscape, the flight would be worth beeing done only for the landscape. Thermal breeze is oriented West in the Wadi so you shall find some lift along the road to the viewpoint parking. One problem remains the landing possibilities if not on top. (as we landed on top, we did'n meet the problem)
Coming from north (amman), on your left just before starting the road down to the Wadi (200m before the viewpoint parking). You can take off from a flat clean field. When the breeze is there you should find good orientation here. Best is to land on top, easy if you have the altitude for it. If you have to land down, there is a small place near a track 200m down the viewpoint but it is small and technical. My advice is to go check before flying and find a place that you think is good for you. (you can also try to go see down in the wadi to the East (to the dam), if you can find a suitable place to land close to the road.) Coming from north (amman) on the Kings Road, the site is just where the road reaches the Wadi Mujib. na. na.
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