Rishikesh - Kunjapuri

Uttarakhand, India

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Aktuelle Bedingungen

Keine Warnungen.

Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

30.1071, 78.3387 : 1256.0 m


30.116, 78.3133 : 348.0 m


5:33 vorm.


6:54 nachm.


Indische Zeit (+0530)

I have never seen others flying this site however I have had 4 wonderful flights here with big smooth thermals that will give you enough height to get a great view of the Himalayas. Unfortunately there is often an inversion layer about 400m above take off. Try not to hurt yourself as rescue in India is pretty much non existent. From take off you need to cover about 1km of low gradient decline before the valley drops away properly. If you realize you are not going to make it to the valley proper then back out and land on a rice field and walk back to take off. There are no roads down to the landing. The wind blows hard until about 11am most mornings but then calms down through the afternoon for great flying.

Take a taxi from Rishikesh +45 minutes up to a temple behind Rishikesh called Kunjapuri. The Take off is either on the last bend of the road before you reach the temple, or take a short 200m walk down to the left and take off on a small pimple like hill. Take off is tricky with some scrub to catch your lines. You can not see the landing from takeoff which is below you to the left of Rishikesh. Main landing just up river of Lakshman Jula in Rishikesh on a sand bank next to the Ganges river. Landing is about 6km from take of and if you catch no lift you may fall short of landing. In this case find any rice field and keep a careful eye for power lines which plague the Indian landscape. These fields can be deceptively small. Take a taxi for about Rs 600 up to the Kunjapuri temple +45 minutes. On the last bend before the temple you can take off on the small shoulder, or walk down to the left a little and take off on a fairly steep hill. There is no indication that it is the take off and I think very few people have flown this site. Be careful the take off can be tricky and you need to reverse launch. Non existent in India Non existent in India

During Monsoon clouds can build up very quickly. be careful of this.

Die folgenden Personen folgen aktiv auf dieser Seite.

41 km
48 km


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