Blueberry Hill

Alaska, USA

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Aktuelle Bedingungen

Keine Warnungen.

Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

61.0981, -149.68 : 777.0 m


61.1021, -149.682 : 719.0 m


4:56 vorm.


10:56 nachm.


Alaska-Normalzeit (-0800)

Insured through AAW and USHPA.

3200 MSL N61° 5.909 W149° 40.823 2800 MSL N61° 6.127' W149° 40.888' Great year round training site. From Glen Alps parking lot follow the trial head signs towards Flattop. Blueberry is the large, flat hill in between the parking lot and Flattop. A well used trail in both summer and winter. From Glen Alps parking lot to the top of Blueberry it is about 3/4 of a mile and 400' vertical. Many options for LZ's. Beware of powerlines running NW-SE if you launch to the East. na. na.

20 km
28 km
50 km
50 km


N 10 0
NNE 10 0
NE 10 0
ENE 0 5
E 0 5
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
W 10 0
WNW 10 0
NW 10 0
NNW 10 0