Utah, USA
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38.5581, -111.803 : 2849.0 m
38.5682, -111.84 : 2137.0 m
7:04 vorm.
7:44 nachm.
Rocky Mountain-Normalzeit (-0600)
Great thermals.
Works best with south west winds. Nice afternoon thermal cycles come up from the south west making a nice launch. In light winds there are sage brush and uneven terrain making it at least a P-3 launch Wide open mile wide and 3 mile long LZ. Meadows and sage brush flats to choose between. Take the Hancock flats turn off from the Fish Lake highway. 4 miles on a well maintained dirt road and turn left at the pile of rocks. One more mile on a not so well maintained road. No restrictions No restrictions
Winds Parallel to the ridge can cause some nasty rotors. and as always with a mountain thermal site (especially in high pressure) a dusty can drag you when you least expect it. (As my broken nose will attest)
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