Scotland, UK
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57.3285, -4.3274 : 374.0 m
57.3302, -4.3231 : 239.0 m
8:02 AM
4:02 PM
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
Both the cliff itself and the more gentle northerly slopes can be flown.
The cliff top launch is committing and presents a number of obvious hazards – be careful and don’t scrape too close to the rocks! Bottom landing next to the road. Creag nan Clag is a conglomerate cliff that lies above the minor road running between Loch Duntelchaig and Loch Ruthven, just south of Inverness. The easiest approach is to park at the roadside (just after a cattle grid, when approaching from the north off the B862) and to head directly up heathery slopes on the right hand edge of the crags. na. na.
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