England, UK
Es ist frei, sich dem Spedmo anzuschließen und anzufangen
Keine Warnungen.
Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?
53.3214, -1.7296 : 352.0 m
53.3208, -1.7289 : 370.0 m
7:07 vorm.
4:33 nachm.
Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0000)
This is not an official Derbyshire Soaring Club site, but is used by most local pilots in westerly winds
Large takeoff area at the top of the ridge Top landing behind takeoff Bottom landing next to village, in front of takeoff Park in Bradwell and walk up the hill or drive up to the top and walk across two fields Do not fly low over the village Do not fly low over the adjacent gliding club or interfere with their activities Do not fly low over the village Do not fly low over the adjacent gliding club or interfere with their activities
In strong winds wave can make the air quite rough
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