Sant Pere de Rodes

Catalonia, Spain

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Parawaiting ... Anek69 Doe eingecheckt
Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht
Parapente Sant Pere de Rodes

Paragliding parapente Sant Pere de Rodes.
Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht
paragliding parapente Sant pere de Rodes

paragliding parapente Sant pere de Rodes.
Aaron Hughes Hat ein Video veröffentlicht

tot aprofitant un capvespre a la comarca de l'Emporda,el lloc és impressionant i valia la pena intentaro ...juny 2015.

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Parapente Sant Pere de Rodes
Paragliding parapente Sant Pere de Rodes.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

paragliding parapente Sant pere de Rodes
paragliding parapente Sant pere de Rodes.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

tot aprofitant un capvespre a la comarca de l'Emporda,el lloc és impressionant i valia la pena intentaro ...juny 2015.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Soaring Sant Pere de Rodes Parapente Paragliding
Soaring Sant Pere de Rodes Parapente Paragliding.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

42.322, 3.1641 : 607.0 m


42.307, 3.1413 : 62.0 m


7:34 vorm.


7:45 nachm.


Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0200)

Weather buoy in the frequency 143.9875. Information wind every 15 min. The flight is in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus. Please be careful with the environment.

Palau Saverdera (SO): Taking off: Is below the windsock Port de la Selva (NE): Taking off: One below the windsockd (NE) by expert pilots, as it is a bit short. The other is just below the wall Castle of San Salvador (ENE). Landing: Cooperative-Saverdera Palau. Medium difficulty. Attention to road and power lines that pass through it. Predominant wind sea (SE). Landing: Beach of Puerto de la Selva. Attention people in summer. Predominant wind sea (NE). Alternative landing next to the tennis courts on the road from Selva de Mar and on the ridge that descends to the village, the fields beside the road A-7 motorway, exit Figueres. Take the road Llan��. Turn right at the breaking of Roses. A Vilaju�ga break left and climb up the car park of the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes. Walk to the door of the monastery and the path that climbs up to the castle of San Salvador. Halfway uphill you will see where the windsock. The other is off the wall just below the castle of San Salvador. To go to the landing field, once in Vilaju�ga straight up toward Roses Palau Saverdera. Field Reder landing is the cooperative, to the right of the road. To get to Port de la Selva, Sant Pere de Rodes from there down the road directly. Also be reached from Llan��. na. na.

NOTE to Tramontana: The name of the North wind typical of the area. Do not fly if there is a strong north wind.

26 km
36 km


N 0 5
NNE 0 5
NE 10 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 5
SSW 0 5
SW 10 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0