Molise, Italy
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41.8313, 14.6951 : 1006.0 m
41.8384, 14.7096 : 739.0 m
6:51 AM
4:40 PM
Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0100)
This takeoff is underestimated, because little known. The city below and the pit made super strong thermal, which climb up to 3000 mt. Here can be done every type of fly known, and some pilots also reach the adriatic sea from here. Some pilots also report that in some occasion the valley can't made you land because of the thermal activity.
Takeoff is on the east side of monte Mauro, and the exposure space from NE to ESE. It's made of grass and has a perfect tilt to launch. It's open wide. South takeoff is also possible, but in this condition prefer the south Castelmauro takeoff, much easier to reach. Landings are everywhere around Castelmauro. There's no official field, however we usually land near the street on the left for an easy recovery. Getting to this takeoff isn't really easy, because there's no official trail. You should leave your car near the astronomical telescope and then walk to takeoff through the woods. 5 minutes walking however. Anyway the local pilot are always flying, so contact them for advise, they will be happy to carry you. No special rules here. No special rules here.
Avoid takeoff with western wind. Castelmauro works better with easter dominant. Also pay attention to the very strong condition that you can find in sunny day, especially in summer.
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