
Co. Galway, Ireland

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Aktuelle Bedingungen

Keine Warnungen.

Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

53.4864, -9.85902 : 504.0 m


6:01 vorm.


9:12 nachm.


Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit (+0100)

Nice site with potential XC to North directions. Choose right way to hike to launch spot- avoid to hike through dead old cut off trees- I had bed experience from that.

Few possible take off spots- from the summit to lower elevation of Mount. Little tough hiking- rough territory. Beside car park- if not XC flight. Turn North from N-59 to small road near the Mount- about 3 km.from N-59. Regular ridge soaring and thermaling rules. Regular ridge soaring and thermaling rules.

As usual in the mountains- Increasing wind speed mostly.

Die folgenden Personen folgen aktiv auf dieser Seite.

13 km
17 km
17 km
17 km
22 km
26 km
26 km
32 km
33 km


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NNE 0 0
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ENE 0 0
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ESE 0 0
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SSE 0 0
S 10 0
SSW 10 0
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WNW 0 0
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NNW 0 0