Normandy, France
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49.5108, 0.0681 : 83.0 m
49.5109, 0.0683 : 83.0 m
7:49 vorm.
5:37 nachm.
Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0100)
It's a cliff takeoff, it's a cape and the direction of wind as to be straight away (SW) If the wind is coming from left could be unsafe. Normal landing area is the takeoff, just in case of emergency you can land on the grass field below, but not on purpose. Call the tower airport nearby to get takeoff authorization ! phone: Before you can call ATIS to check if there's VFR conditions : visibility > 8 km ceiling > 1500 feet Fly on the right forbiden. Call the tower airport nearby to get takeoff authorization ! phone: Before you can call ATIS to check if there's VFR conditions : visibility > 8 km ceiling > 1500 feet Fly on the right forbiden.
Well check the direction of the wind if it's not straight away better not fly...
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