Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France
Es ist frei, sich dem Spedmo anzuschließen und anzufangen
Keine Warnungen.
Denken Sie daran, vor jedem Flug, überprüfen Sie Ihre Ausrüstung , überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und fragen Sie sich, wenn 'ich bin sicher '?
44.9574, 6.0378 : 2503.0 m
44.9728, 6.0691 : 1503.0 m
7:09 vorm.
7:55 nachm.
Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit (+0200)
a good idee is to walk to the 'col du vallon' (Vallon pass) after this flight, to coming back to venosc by the sky. ;-)
mountain take-off, walk from 'La danchère'(990m) to perier pass (2491m). hight: 1500m. on the beach of Lauvitel Lac (1500m). na. Don't fly in the end of the Lauvitel valley, it's forbiden. A convention was signed with the national park, please stop at the House-park to take the map with all the forbiden area. Don't fly in the end of the Lauvitel valley, it's forbiden. A convention was signed with the national park, please stop at the House-park to take the map with all the forbiden area.
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