Kuala Kubu Bharu

Selangor, Malaysia

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Ridzuan Zulkiffli Protokollierte einen 4 km Flug
Ridzuan Zulkiffli Protokollierte einen 5 km Flug
Ridzuan Zulkiffli Protokollierte einen 3 km Flug
Ridzuan Zulkiffli Protokollierte einen 3 km Flug

Erforderliche Start-Windrichtung

Photographer at work Fly at 2nd Series Paragliding Accuracy World Cup 2015
jiDiN from (www.anyevent-photography.com ) + ( www.instagram.com/junkey.monkey) at work fly with En. Yusoff at Kuala Kubu Bharu. This is my first time Fly ...
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Paragliding Kuala Kubu Bharu, Malaysia.
Flying at my favorite site, take-off at 1400ft asl, facing south and it's easy to core the thermals though it'll take a while to catch them elusive column if you are new ...
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Paragliding activities in Kuala Kubu Baru
www.inspirationaviationclub.com View along way to ground paragliding with ours leader.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Paragliding Kuala Kubu Baharu - Malaysia
Malaysia's newest and best paragliding site. Best time to fly is during the SW monsoon season.
Aaron Hughes Fügte hinzu

Ausziehen, starten, abheben, losfahren

3.5588, 101.678 : 426.0 m


3.54455, 101.675 : 59.0 m


7:01 vorm.


7:18 nachm.


Malaysische Zeit (+0800)

If you are visiting from other countries, it would be easier to organize the trip to KKB via Facebook group at http://facebook.com/groups... and post your trip itinerary, there will be pilots that may be available to help you getting there. Depending on situation, there may be petrol fee imposed by the local club for providing their 4x4 transport from LZ to TO, usually about RM10/day for each pilot.

The TO situated at 1,400ft ASL facing South, South-West. Accessible by 4x4 car from LZ and plenty of space for about 30 pilots to gather, about 3 gliders laid at the setup area. Plenty of lift upon launching and can easily climb to 2,000-3,000ft ASL before approaching LZ. Designated LZ is an open stadium located 1.8km in straight line-of-sight from TO at approximate 120ft ASL. Straight-line flight path takes about 10 minutes if without catching any thermals. Plenty of boom-out areas at the football fields nearby or plain grass areas next to the ponds and river. 1. By Car : There are several routes to this location from Kuala Lumpur, however for brevity's sake in giving directions, we often asked those without any GPS to drive north through PLUS highway and take Kuala Kubu Bharu exit then another about 36km on ordinary road to Ampang Pecah area of Kuala Kubu Bharu. Look for the signboard leading to IKBN, PLKN, MRSM or White Water Rafting activity area. Average time to drive from KL-KKB is 1 hour. 2. By Train From KL Sentral train station, board the train to Rawang and change the coach to take the one to Kuala Kubu Station. From the train station it will take about 15 minutes taxi ride to the stadium where pilots gather. The entire area is classified as VFR Class G for minimum 1.5km horizontal visibility from GND-5500, so if you do not plan to fly to cloud base then it should be within the allowed airspace. The site is now open to public and managed by Local Council in participation by the local clubs, the access to the launch area is gated during weekdays and the key to open the gate is available from the site caretaker. However, there will always be pilots flying KKB during weekends. The entire area is classified as VFR Class G for minimum 1.5km horizontal visibility from GND-5500, so if you do not plan to fly to cloud base then it should be within the allowed airspace. The site is now open to public and managed by Local Council in participation by the local clubs, the access to the launch area is gated during weekdays and the key to open the gate is available from the site caretaker. However, there will always be pilots flying KKB during weekends.

Kuala Kubu Bharu is water collection area for the nearby dam and it is often raining in the evening. Clouds can build quite fast here so it's always good to study the local weather and observe the cloud formations before flying. Please check weather forecast at Windfinder or Meteoblue to plan your trip.

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